OTD 22 March 2016 Brussels Bombings

In the morning of 22 March 2016, 2 suicide bombings took place in
Belgium, at the airport of Zaventem and one at the Maalbeek Metro
Station in  Brussels. 32 people were killed and more than 300 people
were injured.

Monument Brussels Bombings in Belgium

The perpetrators came from the same cell of the November 2015 Paris

In a television speech addressed to the nation, King Philippe of Belgium
expressed his and Queen Mathildes sorrows about the events.

One year later, after a competition a monument to the victims was
unveiled at the rue de la Loi, between Schuman and the Parc du

The monument made by Jean-Henri Compere is called:
'wounded but still standing in front of the inconceivable'.

It is constructed from 20 metres (66 feet) long horizontal
surfaces rising skywards.

Monument Brussels Bombings Belgium

I took the pictures of the monument for the victims of 22 March 2016 in
August 2018. Besides it is a modern art work, I do understand the meaning
of it.

The Belgium Royal Palace releases this statement on Twitter in 2019:

Three years ago, our country was hit by 2 terrible attacks. Our thoughts
are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all who are 
committed to and work towards a more united and more secure 

Il y a trois ans, notre pays a été touché par deux terribles attentats. Nos pensées sont auprès des victimes et de leurs familles. Merci à tous ceux qui s’engagent et œuvrent pour une société plus unie et plus sûre. Ph & M


royalfanvivian said…
Al weer drie jaar geleden.. Wat vliegt de tijd. Helaas zijn aanslagen inmiddels aan de orde van de dag, maar het blijft iedere keer weer een schok. Vooral bij zo'n afschuwelijk grote aanslag als in Brussel met zoveel slachtoffers. Mooie foto's van het monument.

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