Today in History - February 10th. 1637- Countess Henriette Catherine of Nassau
Countess Henriette Catherine of Nassau was born on February 10th. 1637 in The Hague (The Netherlands). Henriette Catherine of Nassau Source picture: Wikipedia Her parents were Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange and Amalia of Solms-Braunfels. Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, his wife and their youngest three daughters Henriette Catherine is the child on the right side Source picture: Wikipedia The original painting is located in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam On September 9th. 1659, Countess Henriette Catherine of Nassau married a German royal: John George II, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau. John George II, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau Source picture: Wikipedia Although the marriage was arranged it was a love match. The couple had 10 children. Henriette and John George had a great influence over the German court on the field of agriculture, construction of ports, architecture and painting. It is speculated that Princess Cath...