OTD 14 July 1874 Abbas II of Egypt

Abbas II Hilmi Bey, also known as Abbãs Hilmi Pasha was born on 14 July 1874 at Alexandria, in the Khedivate of Egypt. Family His parents were Tewfik Pasha, a Khedive of Egypt and Sudan between 1879 and 1892, and Emina Ilhamy, an Ottoman Princess. Abbas II of Egypt was thus a member of the Muhammad Ali dynasty. Early life Abbas II of Egypt visited as boy the United Kingdom and he had a number of British tutors in Cairo and a governess who taught him English. An American officer in the Egyptian army took charge of his military training. He attended school at Lausanne in Switzerland and later in Geneva, also located in Switzerland. Later he entered the Theresianum in Vienna. Abbas II of Egypt had a good knowledge of Turkish and a good conversational knowledge of English, French and German. Reign On 8 January 1892, King Abbas II of Egypt succeeded his father as Khedive (Ottoman viceroy) of Egypt and Sudan. He surrounded himself with European advisers,...