Royal Destinations: Cologne (Germany) and its Eau De Cologne

Eau De Cologne

A product with a huge historical importance is Eau De Cologne or in German:
Köllnisch Wasser.
I don't like the smell very much (it's a bit too strong for me) but it gives you certainly
a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

4711 Eau De Cologne
The most famous Eau De Cologne is 4711.
The company which sold the Eau De Cologne was located at the Glockengasse 
No 4711 in Cologne.

Cologne has a great historical importance due to his location at 
both sides of the Rhine River.
It is German's fourth largest city after Berlin, Hamburg and Munich.

But what about a Royal Destination....?

Some History

During the time of the Holy Roman Empire (Middle Ages) the 
Archbishop of Cologne was one of the 7 prince-electors. 
Electors were Princes of the Empire. 

Famous landmarks:

The cathedral 'Dom'

Cologne Germany
Dom of Cologne Germany
Twelve Romanesque Churches

Cologne Germany 

Own picture of one of the twelve Churches

Medieval Houses

Cologne Germany

But I liked the special bridges the most:


Cologne Germany

Cologne Germany


Cologne Germany

Cologne Germany

Several years ago, I traveled to Cologne by train, so these are some pictures of the 
Main Railway Station 'Hauptbahnhof'.

Cologne Germany

Cologne Germany

Cologne is definitly recommended to visit and not only during the 
Carnival or Christmas Holidays, due to its rich culture and history. 


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