Royal Destinations - Brussels (Belgium) - Academy Palace

The Academy Palace is located at the Place des Palais in Brussels (capital of Belgium).

Travel Brussels Academy Palace - The Netherlands Russia
Academy Palace in Brussels Belgium

Brussels - Isn't it a beautiful building?

The Neoclassical Palace is built between 1823 and 1828 for
Prince William of Orange and his brilliant action on the field of Waterloo.

In 1828, Prince William of Orange and his wife Anna Pavlovna (sister of the tsars
Alexander I and Nicholas I of Russia) moved into the palace.

Prince William of Orange, his wife Anna Pavlovna and their children - Source picture Wikipedia

1830 marked the start of the Belgian revolution.
So, the two Royals and their family couldn't enjoy their new palace for a long time.

Travel Brussels Academy Palace - The Netherlands Russia
Academy Palace Brussels Belgium
In 1862 the Academy Palace became a museum.
Since 1876 it houses several Belgian Academies.
This is clearly a Belgian Building linked to the
Royal family of The Netherlands.

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