Historical Hotels - Thermae Palace Hotel in Ostend (Belgium)

Thermae Palace Hotel can be listed as Historical Hotel but it also is a
Royal Destination on its own.

Thermae Palace Hotel Ostend 

Thermae Palace Hotel Ostend, Belgium

Royal Galeries in Ostend, Belgium

King Leopold II of Belgium wanted a lot for Ostend. He wished a Thermal Center.
In 1856, Mineral Water was discovered in the Leopold Park in Ostend.

King Leopold II of Belgium
Source picture: Wikipedia

Not until 1933, his plans were achieved. On June 28th. 1933 the opening of the
Thermae Palace Hotel was celebrated. King Albert I of Belgium and his wife
Queen Elisabeth were present at the opening.

From 1940 till 1980, the hotel and the thermale source were not exploited.

In 2002, the hotel was listed as 'Protected Monument' and 'Cultural Heritage'.

Nowadays it is still a hotel after a strong renovation process.
There are 10 suites and 149 other rooms.There also are a lot of conference rooms.
The conference rooms are all named after a member of the Belgian Royal Family.

Thermae Palace Hotel Ostend


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