31 December 335 Pope Sylvester I

On December 31st. 335, Pope Sylvester I died in Rome (Italy). Sylvester I
became pope in 314.

Pope Sylvester I and Emperor Constantine 
Source painting: Wikipedia

Pope Sylvester & History

Emperor Constantine didn't like the Pope. The Emperor wanted more Power
but the Pope prevented this. 

According to a legend, Emperor Constantine once had leprosy.
He only could survive by bathing in blood of Children. But in a night two
Apostles (Petrus & Paulus) appeared before Emperor Constantine.
They dictated that he would survive if the Pope would come to his palace.
When the Pope came, Emperor Constantine healed immediately. As thanks
he offered the Pope a Palace. 

Pope Sylvester I
Source picture: Wikipedia

Pope Sylvester & New Year's Eve

Due to his death in 335 on December 31st., New Year's Eve sometimes is
called Sylvester. I remember something from my childhood. At home
at the last day of the year there was a game. The 'Sylvester' was selected.
Who was the Sylvester? Well that was the person who stayed the longest
in bed. As always, I was the Sylvester. My response to the Sylvester game:
I needed a Beauty Sleep.


On German Television there is a famous program on New Year's Eve called


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