Historical place - Wiener Riesenrad - Vienna - Austria

Discovering a city, seeing some nice things ... That's what I like about traveling.
A few years ago, I discovered  Vienna.

I saw the Riesenrad at the Prater Park and I liked it very much. 
But I didn't know that the Riesenrad had some Royal History. 
So much history, that it deserves a blogpost as Historical Place. 

Some History ...

It was built in 1897 by an English engineer called lieutenant Walter Bassett.
He had his own construction firm.  He died in 1907, almost bankrupt.

Lieutenant Walter Bassett
Source picture: Wikipedia

The Riesenrad was constructed for the Golden Jubilee of Emperor Franz Joseph
of Austria.

Emperor Franz Josef of Austria
Source picture: Wikipedia

There was a permit for its demolition in 1916 but the Riesenrad survived.
Now it is one of the touristical highlights in Vienna.


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