Today in History - January 18th. 1701 - Frederick I of Prussia (Germany)

On January 18th. 1701, Frederick I crowned himself as King in Prussia
in Königsberg (Germany).
His title was King in Prussia instead of King of Prussia.

Frederick I of Prussia
Source picture: Wikipedia

On July 11th. 1657, Frederick I of Prussia was born in Königsberg.

His parents were Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg and 
Louise Henriette of Orange-Nassau.

Frederick I married three times.

1/ Elizabeth Henrietta of Hesse-Kassel 
2/ Sophia Charlotte of Hanover
3/ Sophia Louise of Mecklenburg - Schwerin


Frederick crowned himself on 18 January 1701 in Königsberg. Although he
did so with the Emperor's consent, and also with formal acknowledgement
from Augustus II the Strong, Elector of Saxony, who held the title of
King of Poland, the Polish-Lithuanian Diet (Sejm) raised objections,
and viewed the coronation as illegal. 

In fact, according to the terms of the Treaty of Wehlau and Bromberg,
the House of Hohenzollern's sovereignty over the Duchy of Prussia was not
absolute but contingent on the continuation of the male line (in the absence
of which the duchy would revert to the Polish crown).

Therefore, out of deference to the region's historic ties to the Polish
crown, Frederick made the symbolic concession of calling himself
"King in Prussia" instead of "King of Prussia".

His royalty was, in any case, limited to Prussia and did not
reduce the rights of the Emperor in the portions of his domains
that were still part of the Holy Roman Empire.


Frederick I died on February 25th. 1713 in Berlin (Germany).


This name may not be familiar but he was the paternal grandfather of
Frederick the Great, an important King of Prussia.


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