OTD March 30th.1852 Duchess Therese Petrovna of Oldenburg

Duchess Therese Petrovna of Oldenburg was born on March 30th. 1852 in
Saint Petersburg (Russia).

Therese Petrovna of Oldenburg
Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Duke Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg and
Princess Therese of Nassau-Weilburg.

In 1879 Therese Petrovna of Oldenburg married 
George Maximilianovich, also known as Prince Georgii Romanovsky or
Georges de Beauharnais.

Both parnters where descendants of Tsar Paul I of Russia.
They had German titles but they grew up in Russia. 

George Maximilianovich
Source picture: Wikipedia

On April 19th. 1883, Duchess Therese Petrovna of Oldenburg died.


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