OTD April 19th 1658 Birth of Johann Wilhelm II Elector Palatine

Johan Wilhelm II (in German: Jan Wellem) was born on April 19th. 1658
in Düsseldorf. His parents were Philip William of Palatinate - Neuburg
and Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt. He was educated by the
Jesuits and in 1674, he made a grand tour to Italy.

Johann Wilhelm - Source picture: Wikipedia

In 1678 Johann Wilhelm married Maria Anna Josepha, Archduchess of Austria.
After her death, he married Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici (daughter of Cosmo III,
Grand Duke of Tuscany). See my Today in History of February 18th

He gave work to many artists and painters like Johannes Spilberg. He also had a
huge collection of paintings from Rubens. His collection still can be seen in the
Alte Pinakothek in Munich.

Johann Wilhelm died on June 8th. 1716. He was a member of the House of


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