OTD April 21st. 1574 Cosimo I de Medici

Cosimo de' Medici was born on June 12th. 1519 in Florence (Italy).

Cosimo de'Medici - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were Giovanni dalle Bande Nere and Maria Salviati.
Cosimo was a member of the House of Medici although from a different 
brand of the family.

In June 1537 Cosimo was recognized as head of the Florence State by 
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

In 1539 he married Eleonora di Toledo, daughter of Don Pedro Alvarez 
de Toledo  (Spanish Viceroy of Naples). They had 7 children together.

In 1570, after the death of Eleonora, Cosimo married Camilla Martelli. 
They had 1 child together.

Cosimo I de' Medici died on April 21st. 1574. He was succeeded by 
his son Francesco I de' Medici.

He was buried in the Medici Chapel @ the Basilica of San Lorenzo in


Like every de' Medici, Cosimo I was a patron of Art. 
He also promoted the Navy of Florence.
In Florence there is a big statue of Cosimo I de' Medici, on a horse.


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