OTD April 25th. 1775 Carlota Joaquina of Spain

Carlota Joaquina Teresa Cayetana was born on April 25th. 1775 @
the Royal Palace of Aranjuez in Spain.

Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Charles IV of Spain and Maria Luisa of Parma.

On May 8th. 1785, Carlota Joaquina of Spain married the future John VI,
King of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.

Her husband was sometimes described as corpulent, ugly and boring.
Their children were all handsome. That's why a rumour was spread that
especially the younger children had a different father...

In 1807 the couple and their children left Portugal for Brazil because of the
invasion of Napoleon.

In 1821 the Royals returned to Portugal. 

She died on January 7th. 1830 @ the Queluz National Palace.


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