OTD April 4th.1819 Maria II of Portugal

Maria de Glória Joana Carlotta Leopoldina da Cruz Francisca Xavier
de Paula Isidora Micaela Gabriela Rafaela Conzaga (What's in a name)
was born on April 4th. 1819 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Her parents were Pedro IV and Maria Leopoldina of Austria.

Before her reign there was a huge succession crisis. 
Finally in 1834 she became for the second time Queen of Portugal.

In 1835 she married Auguste de Beauharnais. He died soon afterwards.
In 1836 she married Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

He was a nephew of King Leopold I of Belgium;
first cousin of King Leopold II of Belgium and Empress Carlota of Mexico
first cousin of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and her husband, 
Prince Albert.

Queen Maria II of Portugal and her husband had 11 children.

Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was responsible for the
renovation of the Pena Palace on top of the hill of the Sintra Mountains
in Portugal. See also the page Royal Destinations in Europe on top of
this blog or on this link

Maria II was a kind person and good mother. She received the surname:
'The good mother', 

She died on November 15th. 1853.

Source pictures: Wikipedia


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