Today in History - April 9th. 1634 - Countess Albertine Agnes of Nassau

Countess Albertine Agnes of Nassau was born on April 9th. 1634 in
The Hague (The Netherlands).

Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange and
Amalia of Solms-Braunfels.

Countess Albertine Agnes of Nassau (second on the right side)
& her parents & her siblings 
Source picture: Wikipedia

Albertine's paternal grandparents were William the Silent and Louise de Coligny.

In 1652 Countess Albertine married William Frederick, Prince of Nassau-Dietz.
He was a second cousin of her. They had 3 children.

Countess Albertine and her 3 children
Source picture: Wikipedia

In 1664 she became regent for her son of Friesland, Groningen & Drenthe.

Countess Albertine Agnes of Nassau died on May 24th or 26th. 1696.


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