OTD May 2nd. 1458 Eleanor of Viseu

Eleanor of Viseu was born on May 2nd. 1458 in Beja (Portugal).

Eleanor of Viseu - Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Fernando I of Viseu and Beja & Beatrice of Portugal.

On January 22nd. 1470 she married John II, Prince of Portugal.

The bride only was twelve years old, the groom 15. Her spouse
was the heir apparent for the Portugese throne. Eleanor and John spent
a lot of their childhood together and were good friends.

On August 28th. 1481, Alfonso V of Portugal died and John II became
King of Portugal. She was Queen Consort. 

Eleanor was extremely wealthy and used much of her money for charity.
She started organizations for poor, sick and abandoned children which still
survive till today.

Painting of Queen Eleanor  - Source picture: Wikipedia

She died on November 17th. 1525. 


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