OTD 8 June 1761 Landgravine Juliane of Hesse Phillippsthal

Juliane was born on June 8th. 1761 in Zutphen as the daughter of
Landgrave William of Hesse-Phillippsthal and Ulrike Eleonore.

Juliane of Hesse-Phillippsthal - Source picture: Wikipedia

On October 10th. 1780, she married Count Philip Ernest of Schaumburg-Lippe.
He was already 57 years old and a widower on the day of his marriage. He died
only 7 years later.

Countess Juliane took up government together with Count Johann Ludwig,
Reichsgraf von Wallmoden-Gimborn as regent during the minority of her son
George William.

The government of Juliane is considered as extremely beneficial. She conducted
reforms of economy, education and downsized the court.

Juliane initiated a redesign of Hagenburg Castle and she is the considered founder
of spa Bad Eilsen (Germany).

This remarkable lady died on November 9th. 1799 in Bückeburg.
She was buried in a mausoleum in the Schaumburg Forest.


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