OTD 13 July 1621 Albert VII Archduke of Austria

On November 13th. 1559, the fifth son of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor
and Maria of Spain was born in Vienna. They called the boy Albert.

Albert VII, Archduke of Austria- Source picture: Wikipedia

At the age of seven, Albert was sent to the Spanish court, where his uncle,
King Philip II looked after his education.

In 1577 he was appointed as cardinal. Philip II had plans to make him the
archbishop of Toledo but his plans turned out a bit different.

On April 18th. 1599, Albert married Isabella Clara Eugenia, infanta of Spain
and infanta of Portugal and daughter of King Philip II (after Albert asked 
permission to the pope).

As wedding gift they recieved the government ship of the Habsburg Netherlands.
There were strict conditions attached to the marriage. 

1/ When the couple remained childless, The Netherlands would be returned under
Spanish government.

2/ Any children of the couple would only marry sons or daughters from the 
Spanish King.

Cold Mountain in Brussels - own picture

When Albert and Isabella came to Brussels they were warm welcomed by the
people. The couple moved into the Palace on the Cold Mountain in Brussels.
Now there are still remnants of their Palace. 

In 1609, Albert was able to make a connection with the rebels in the north. 
This period of peace would last 12 years  'Twelve years truce'. The couple was
very happy together. 

They had 3 children, who died very young. 

Albert and Isabella - Source picture: Wikipedia

Albert VII, Archduke of Austria died on July 13th. 1621 in Brussels. He was
buried in the St. Michael and St. Gudula cathedral.

Inside view of the St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral in Brussels 
own picture

After Albert's death Philip III became governor but Isabella was appointed to 
act in his name, although with less power than she had before.


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