OTD 18 July 1617 Dorothea Maria of Anhalt

On July 2nd. 1574 a girl was born in Dessau (Germany). She received the
name Sophie Dorothea Maria of Anhalt.

Dorothea Maria of Anhalt - Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Joachim Ernest, Prince of Anhalt and Eleonore of Württemberg.

On January 7th. 1593 Dorothea Maria of Anhalt married John II, Duke of Saxe-Weimar
in Altenburg. In their 12 years of marriage they had 12 children together.

Dorothea Maria of Anhalt died on July 18th. 1617 of injuries sustained while
riding a horse. Her funeral took place on August 24th. 1617.

However, according to local legends, some people didn't believe that she died.
the Stories believed that the spirit of Dorothea Maria of Anhalt lived

When a disaster or death came in the castle, sometimes her spirit was seen. She
came then from the crypt under the castle church and was walking through the rooms.

The legend was called in German the Weisse Frau auf dem Friedenstein 
(White woman of Friedenstein Castle).

Source picture: Wikipedia - Author picture: Kunstkai


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