OTD 31 July 1737 Princess Augusta of Great-Britain

On July 31st. 1737 a princess was born at St. James's Palace in London.
She received the name: Augusta Frederica.

Princess Augusta Frederica - Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Frederick, Prince of Wales (eldest son of King George II)
and Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha. Princess Augusta Frederica had a younger
brother who later became King George III.

On her third birthday, the first public performance of Rule, Britannia! took place
@ Cliveden in Buckinghamshire.

As princess, Augusta Frederica received the best education. Her marriage also
was an important topic.

On January 16th. 1764 she married Charles William Ferdinand,
Duke of Brunswick. The couple wasn't really happy with each other. He even
had some love affairs, which Princess Augusta Frederica didn't care but she 
found the residence in Brunswick too simple and returned to London already in 
1764, where she gave birth to her first child. 

When Charles became regent and later Duke, Princess Augusta Frederica 
fulfilled her obligations as first lady of Brunswick.

In 1806, Charles was appointed as head of the Prussian army (during the French-
Prussian wars). With the battle of Auerstadt, the Duke of Brunswick became 
seriously wounded, he died five days later. 

Finally, King George III gave her, his permission to return to London in 1807.
There Princess Augusta Frederica lived in Montague House (Greenwich).

This remarkable lady died on March 23rd. 1813.

Princess Augusta of Great-Britain - Source picture: Wikipedia


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