OTD 8 July 1830 Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg

July 8th. 1830 marks the birth of Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg.
Her parents were Joseph, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg and Amelia of Württemberg.

Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg - Source picture: Wikipedia

In the summer of 1846 Princess Alexandra met Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich
of Russia, when he 'visited' Altenburg. He was the second son of Tsar Nicholas I
of Russia and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (born Princess Charlotte of Prussia).

Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich was liberal and intellectual while 
Prince Alexandra had more conservative views, but the Grand Duke liked her 
youthful beauty and they both shared an interest in music. 

On October 12th. 1847, Princess Alexandra arrived in Russia. She was greeted by
a fanfare and popular celebrations with jubilant crowds.

In February 1848, Princess Alexandra converted to Russian Orthodoxy and she
took the name of Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna.

On September 11th. 1848, Princess Alexandra married Grand Duke Konstantin
Nikolaevich in the Winter Palace in Saint-Petersburg. They had 6 children and
one of their daughters became later Queen Olga of Greece.

Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna abstained the Russian Society, which she
found to be modern and progressive. Her house in Pavlovsk reflected her
conservatism. Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich turned away from his wife 
and he took several mistresses. 

Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna died on July 6th. 1911 in
Saint-Petersburg (Russia).

Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna - Source picture: Wikipedia


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