OTD 14 August 1688 Frederick William I of Prussia

On August 14th. 1688 a brilliant boy was born in Berlin. He had the name:
Frederick William (in German: Friedrich Wilhelm).

Frederick William I of Prussia - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were Frederick I of Prussia and Sophia Charlotte of Hanover.

On November 28th. 1706 he married his first cousin Sophia Dorothea of 
Hanover (daughter of King George I of Great Britain). They had 14 children.

This time I won't tell more about their marriage but about his rather special
reign. In 1713 Frederick William became King of Prussia and Elector of 
Brandenburg and he really took his tasks seriously. He imposed strict rules
for officials and described their jobs clearly. 

When a minister wasn't present at a meeting the King didn't pay his salary.

Already in 1717 King Frederick William I introduced mandatory schooling,
and the taxes were reformed.

He lived very sober and didn't spend much of money except for the Prussian

King Frederick William I didn't like musicians, scientists and intellectuals. 
He hated everything French but admired The Netherlands (which was then
a republic).

King Frederick William I died on May 31st. 1740 in Berlin. 


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