OTD 20 August 1613 Duchess Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg

On August 20th. 1613 a girl was born at the court in Güstrow. She received the names:
Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg.

Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg - Source picture: Wikipedia

At the court of her father, John Albert II, Duke of Mecklenburg the girl began to 
study music. There even was an orchestra known for its use of fine English
musicians such like William Brade.

Elisabeth Sophie married in 1635 Augustus the younger, Duke of Brunswick-
Lüneburg. They had 2 children.

At her husband's court, she was appointed to organize the court orchestra but the 
Duchess also played an  important role in other entertainment like masquerades, 
plays and ballets. 

Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg died on July 12th. 1676. 


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