OTD 21 August 1887 revelation of the Brabofontein(fountain) in Antwerp Belgium

August 21st. 1887 was a day full of festivities in the center of Antwerp (Belgium).
A new fountain called the Brabofontein, before the city hall, was opened for public.

Antwerp Brabo Fountain Belgium History

Brabofontein - own picture

This fountain imaged a legend. 

In the early days a giant called Antigoon killed people who didn't pay their toll, 
while they passes the Scheldt. The giant killed those people by cutting their hand. 

Well Brabo killed Antigoon on the same way the giant did. 
On the fountain Brabo seems to throw the hand to the city. 

This would be an explanation for the name Antwerp meaning throwing
hands .... 

However, besides that cruel legend, Antwerp is a beautiful city and a shopping
heaven. I like to come there regularly.

Antwerp city hall Belgium History Travel

Brabofountain and city hall - own picture


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