OTD 22 August 1860 Eleonore Reuss of Köstritz Tsaritsa consort of Bulgaria

On August 22nd. 1860 a girl was born in Trebschen (now a village in Western Poland),
which was then a part of the Kingdom of Prussia. The girl received the names:
Eleonore Caroline Gasparine Louise Reuss.

Eleonore Reuss of Köstritz - Tsaritsa of Bulgaria- Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Prince Heinrich IV of Reuss of Köstritz and Princess
Luise Caroline Reuss of Greiz.

On February 28th. 1908 Princess Eleonore married Ferdinand of Bulgaria in Coburg.
She recieved initially the title Princess of Bulgaria. Later she got the title:

This wedding was a bit strange. Ferdinand of Bulgaria was a widower and he looked
more for a governess for his children and a first lady for Bulgaria. 

During World War I she worked as a nurse and she tried to give comfort to many
injured and dying Bulgarian soldiers. In 1917 Tsaritsa Eleonore became seriously ill.
She died on September 12th. 1917. The Tsaritsa was buried in the cemetery near 
Boyana church. During the communist regime her grave was severely plundered.
However after 1989, the grave is restored in its the original state.


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