OTD 29 August 1728 Maria Anna Sophia of Saxony

In Dresden a girl was born on August 29th. 1728.
Her very long name, Maria Anna Sophia Sabina Angela
Franciska Xaveria betrayed her
noble descent.

Maria Anna Sophia of Saxony - Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were King Augustus III of Poland and Maria Josepha of Austria.
The Princess had siblings like: 
Queen Maria Amalia of Spain,
Maria Josepha of France.

In 1747 Princess Maria Anna Sophia of Saxony married Maximilian III Joseph,
Bavarian elector. Unfortunately they had no children together. This caused a lot
of trouble after the death of her husband (who was a son of Emperor Charles VII)

The new elector Charles Theodore didn't like Bavaria at all, he wanted to exchange
Bavaria against the Austrian Netherlands. Princess Maria Anna Sophia of Saxony
asked Frederick II of Prussia for help. The Prussian King wanted to help her
and the Holy Roman Emperor (then Jospeph II) had to store his plans.

Charles II August, Duke of Zweibrücken and  King Maximilian I of Bavaria 
became the new heirs to the Bavarian throne. 

Princess Maria Anna Sophia of Saxony could spend the rest of her life 
in Fürstenried Palace. There she died on February 17th. 1797.    


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