OTD 7 August 1649 Archduke Charles Joseph of Austria

Archduke Charles Joseph (In German: Karl Joseph) was born on
August 7th. 1649 in Vienna.

Charles Josephe of Austria - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Leopoldine
of Austria.

When Archduke Charles Joseph was 13 years old, he became Bishop of Olmütz 
and Passau. 

Passau is a beautiful city located in lower Bavaria. It also has the name:
City of the Three Rivers because of the Danube, the Inn and the Ilz come
there together. I've been there this year in May/June and it really was
wonderful (see next picture).

Passau and its rivers - own picture

Like his uncle Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria, Charles Joseph also became
bishop of Breslau. This was confirmed by Pope Alexander VII. In 1663 he
became Archbishop.

Unfortunately Archduke Charles Joseph couldn't forfill all his duties due to his
age. He died on January 27th. 1664 in Linz at the age of 15. 


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