OTD 16 September 1837 Pedro V of Portugal

Dom Pedro was born on September 16th. 1837 in Lisbon (Portugal).

Pedro V of Portugal - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were Ferdinand II of Portugal and Maria II of Portugal. He was
nicknamed 'The Hopefull'. Besides Prince Royal, Dom Pedro had the title of
19th. Duke of Braganza.

In 1853 he became monarch of Portugal. He had the name to be hard working,
and he wanted radical modernisation of the Portugese state infrastructure. 
Roads, telegraphs and railways were constructed under his reign.

When cholera broke out in Portugal his popularity increased but he visited 
hospitals and gave gifts.

Pedro married on May 18th. 1858 Princess Stephanie of Hohenzollern-
Sigmaringen (aunt of the late King Albert I of Belgium). This was an
happy marriage until Queen Stephanie died of diphtheria.

Pedro and some other members of the Portuguese Royal family had
cholera or typhoid fever. He died on November 11th. 1861 at the age
of 24 in Lisbon. He was succeeded by his brother Louis.


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