OTD 18 September 1870 Princess Amalie of Saxony

August 10th. 1794 marks the birth of Princess Amalie Marie Friederike 
Auguste of Saxony in Pillnitz (Dresden - Germany).

Princess Amalie of Saxony - Source picture: Wikipedia

She was the daughter of Prince Maximilian of Saxony and Princess Carolina
of Parma.

The Princess had the chance to study well and she became very smart but her
real interests were music and writing.

She composed chamber music, opera and liked to sing. She published some
works under the name: A. Serena. Her most popular compositions were
comic operas.

Under the name Amalie Heiter she published two dramas and comedies.

Princess Amalie never married and died on September 18th. 1870 at the
age of 76.


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