OTD 26 September 1329 Anne of Bavaria

September 26th. 1329 marks the birth of a remarkable girl, who was called
Anne of Bavaria.

source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents were Rudolf II, Duke of Bavaria and Anne of Tyrol. She and her
family were from the Royal House of Wittelsbach.

On March 11th. 1349 Anne married Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor in
the town of Bacharach near the Rhine. She became his second wife after
Blanche of Valois.  

On July 26th. 1349 Anne was crowned in Aachen (Germany) as Queen of
Rome, later she was crowned as Queen of Bohemia.

In 1350 Anne gave birth to a son, a long expected and desired heir. 
He was called Wenceslaus. Unfortunately the boy died during his first year.

On February 2nd. 1353, Fate hit again: Anne died herself. This unfortunate
woman was buried in the St.Vitus Cathedral in Prague.

After her death Charles IV married for the third time. A new heir was born
who saved the monarchy. 


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