OTD 14 October 1690 Birth of Léopold Philippe d'Arenberg

In Brussels, a boy was born on October 14th. 1690.
He received the names: Léopold Philippe d'Arenberg.

Léopold Philippe d'Arenberg - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were Duke Philippe Charles d'Arenberg (who fought against
the Turks and died in the Battle of Slankamen) and Marie-Henriette del
Caretto de Savona y Grana.

On March 20 th. 1711, Léopold Philippe d'Arenberg married Marie-Françoise
Pignatelli, Princess of Bisaccia and countess d'Egmont. They had 6 children.

Like his father, Léopold became interested in the Army. He fought in the
War of Spanish Succession as General-Major in Hungary. 
Léopold distinguished himself during the battle of Belgrad.

In 1718 he became governor of Hainau in the Austrian Netherlands 
(now located in Belgium).

During the war of Polish Succession Léopold became Field Marshal (1737).
He also was appointed as Supreme Commander of the Austrian forces
in The Netherlands.

After the war Léopold returned the governorship and lived in
Arenberg Castle in Heverlee.

Léopold was a friend of Voltaire and a mecenas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

He died on March 4th. 1754 in Heverlee (near Louvain in Belgium).


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