OTD 22 October 1858 Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, last German Empress

Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein was born on October 22nd. 1858
at the Dolzig Palace.

Princess Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein - 
Source picture: Wikipedia

Princess Augusta Victoria was the daughter of Frederick VIII, Duke of 
Schleswig-Holstein and Princess Adelheid of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.

She married on February 27th. 1881, Prince Wilhelm of Prussia.
They had 7 children.

In 1888 Princess Augusta Victoria became the last German Empress.
In 1918 her husband was forced to abdicate. She went in excile to
Huis (House) Doorn in The Netherlands. 

There Princess Augusta Victoria died on April 11th. 1921.
She was buried at the Antique Temple in Sanssouci Park in Potsdam
(near Berlin). Over 200 000 Germans demonstrated their last respects. 


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