Today in History - November 13th. 1493, William IV, Duke of Bavaria

November 13th. 1493 marks the birth of William (in German: Wilhelm)
of Bavaria.

William IV, Duke of Bavaria - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were Albert IV of Bavaria and Kunigunde of Austria.

Although William was the eldest son, his brother Louis refused a spiritual
career. So, after the death of their father the two ruled both over Bavaria.
Louis ruled the districts of Landshut and Steaubing.

Initially William IV had sympathy for the reformation but he changed his
mind. In 1522 he issued the first Bavarian religion mandate and he banned
the works from Martin Luther.  

In 1522 William IV married Marie of Baden-Sponheim, also called Jacobaea.
They had 4 children. William IV also had 2 illegitimate children.

In 1524 William IV made an agreement with the Pope. He became one of the 
leaders of the German Counter Reformation. 

William IV was an important collector of art. Most of his collection still
exists today. It houses in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich.

Own picture - side wing of the Alte Pinakothek in Munich

This remarkable man died on March 7th. 1550 in Munich. There he was buried
in the Frauenkirche.


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