OTD 17 November 1729 Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain Queen of Sardinia

In the Royal Alcázar of Seville, a girl was born on November 17th. 1729.
She had the (long) name: Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain.

Maria Antonia Ferdinanda and her sister - Source picture: Wikipedia

She was the youngest daughter of Philip V of Spain and his second wife
Elisabeth Farnese. As daughter of the Spanish King, Maria Antonia Ferdinanda
had the title: Infanta of Spain and was called Her Royal Highness.

On May 31st. 1750 Maria Antonia Ferdinanda married Victor Amadeus,
Duke of Savoy, who was the eldest son of King Charles Emmanuel III of
Sardinia. See my Today in History on next link.

 Although this was an arranged marriage, the two really were 
close and they had a loving relationship. They also had 12 children.
The couple surrounded themselves with modern thinkers and various

Due to the death of her father-in-law, she became Queen of Sardinia in 1773.
On September 19th. 1785 (at the age of 55) she died in Turin.


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