Today in History - November 20th. 1805 - Fidelio, an opera made by Ludwig van Beethoven

November 20th. 1805 marks an important moment in the history of opera.
On that day Fidelio was first performed at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna

Fidelio - Source picture: Wikipedia

Fidelio went to several versions before achieving full success. This was
hindered by the fact that Vienna was under French military occupation.
Most of the audience were French military officers. 

In 1814 (see the picture) van Beethoven revised his opera again. The new
performance took place on May 23rd. 1814 with in the audience a young
Franz Schubert. 

The opera tells the story of Leonore, disguised as prison guard 'Fidelio',
saved her husband from death in a political prison.

On next youtube link, you can listen to the overture. 


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