Happy Weekend Picture: Inside the Orangery Palace at Potsdam near Berlin in Germany

The Orangery Palace (in German: Orangerieschloss), also known as the
New Orangery or just the Orangery was built for King Frederick William V
of Prussia between 1851 and 1864.

For me it was one of the most beautiful palaces in the world I've ever seen.
Not the outside surprised me but the inside of the castle. You had to put on
slippers above your shoes, however it was one of the best guided tours I've 
ever had.

Travel Castle Orangery Palace Potsdam Berlin Germany
inside the Orangery palace - own picture

In the middle of the building lies the Rafael Hall which falls over in the
Museum Hall. On the red silk covered walls hang over 50 copies of
Renaissance Paintings.

Travel Castle Orangery Palace Potsdam Berlin Germany
inside the Orangery Palace - own picture

Besides this Museum Hall there are a lot of apartments, which you can
see. They all were outfitted in a splendid second Rococo style.

Travel Castle Orangery Palace Potsdam Berlin Germany
inside the Orangery Palace - own picture
There also were guest rooms for Tsar Nicholas I of Russia and his wife
Alexandra Feodorovna, who was the sister of King Frederick William V
of Prussia. European Royal Families and their ties, isn't it?
Travel Castle Orangery Palace Potsdam Berlin Germany
inside the Orangery Palace - own picture

 So, this was my Happy Weekend picture. I hope you'll enjoy the Weekend. I wish
you very happy days.

Next Monday and Tuesday there will be no blog posts. I'll be back (when everything
is okay) on Wednesday.


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