Happy Weekend Picture - Royal Theater The Hague - The Netherlands

My Happy Weekend Picture was taken in 2013 during a trip to The Hague,
former capital of The Netherlands.

Travel The Royal Theatre The Hague The Netherlands
Royal Theater in The Hague - own picture

At the picture you can see a magnificent building: the Royal Theater.
Of course, this Palace has a great history.

Charles Christian - Source picture: Wikipedia

In 1766 Prince Charles Christian (in Dutch: Karel Christiaan) of
Nassau-Weilburg, gave the order to build a palace in The Hague for himself
and his wife Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau.

Carolina of Orange-Nassau - Source picture: Wikipedia

The architect became Pieter de Swart. He created a design in
Louis XVI Style.

Due to the French Occupation of The Netherlands, the construction
of the palace was stopped.

When Prince Charles Christian died in 1788, his heirs sold his possessions
in The Hague, with the exception of this unfinished palace.

For a long time the palace remained vacant and unfinished.
There even was a proposition to pull down the building.

Till a group of leading people from The Hague rented the building
from 99 years. They transformed it in a Theater.

The Theater opened its doors for public in 1804.

With this interesting piece of History, I'd like to wish you a very
Happy Weekend.

Thank you all for reading this blog, your nice comments, the
likes and the reshares!


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