OTD March 12th. 1573 Agnes Hedwig of Anhalt

Princess Agnes Hedwig of Anhalt was born on March 12th. 1573 in Dessau,
now located in Saxony-Anhalt a bundesland in Germany.

Agnes Hedwig of Anhalt - Source picture: Wikipedia

Her parents had been, Prince Joachim Ernest of Anhalt and
Eleonore of Württemberg.

Between 1581 and 1586 she was Abdess of the Imperial Abbey St. Cyriac
in Gernrode.

At the age of 13 Agnes Hedwig of Anhalt married Elector Augustus of
Saxony on January 3rd. 1586. She became his second wife.

A few weeks later Augustus of Saxony died.
She received the Lichtenburg Castle but she never lived there.

On February 14th. 1588 Agnes Hedwig married for the second time.
She became the wife of Duke John II of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg.
From this marriage she would have nine children.

Agnes Hedwig of Anhalt died on November 3rd. 1616 at the age of 43.


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