OTD March 4th. 1820 Karl Egon III zu Furstenberg

Karl Egon III Leopold Maria Wilhelm Maximilian zu Fürstenberg was
born on March 4th. 1820 in Donaueschingen (Germany).

Karl Egon III Zu Fürstenberg - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were Karl Egon II zu Fürstenberg and Amallie,
Princess of Baden.

Between 1838 and 1841 Karl Egon III studied at the
University of Heidelberg and in 1842 in Berlin.
He followed Law, Economy, Mathematics and
Nature Sciences. He also visited northern Germany and

On November 4th. 1844 Karl Egon married
Princess Elisabeth Henriette Reus-Greiz.
They would have two children.

In 1854, after his father's death, Karl Egon became Fürst
or Head of the Princely House zu Fürstenberg.

Karl Egon III died on March 15th. 1892 in Paris (France).

Coat of Arms House zu Fürstenberg - Source picture Wikipedia

Other notable members of the House zu Fürstenberg:

Egon von Fürstenberg - Prince zu Fürstenberg (1946-2004) who married
Diane von Fürstenberg, a famous fashion designer.  


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