Tree Tuesday Picture & Statue at Sisi's Achilleion in Corfu

My Tree Tuesday picture was taken in the garden of the Archilleion in
Corfu (Greece).

Statue Achileillon Sisi Corfu Travel greece
Own picture

This Achilleion and its amazing garden, was ordered by
Empress Elisabeth of Austria, also called Sisi.

Sisi was a devoted lover of the Greek Mythology and that's why there are
so many interesting and beautiful statues in the gardens.

Of course there is that famous statue of Achilles see my former posts on
next links:

link 1
link 2

But at this picture you can see a statue of Frini. She was a great beauty in the
classic years and often portrayed as Aphrodite.

There also is a nice story about her.

Once upon a time Frini was accused for wanton behavior. She even had
to go to a tribunal. There she was defended by Hyperides and his defense
became very passionate. During his speech Hyperides took Frini's shawl
away and ...

Before the surprised eyes of the jury's and the witnesses she wore nothing.
This action 'proved' that Frini's naked body was a piece of art. Soon after
that, she was released from imprisonment.

You can read more about the Travels of Empress Elisabeth of Austria 
on next link or on the page on top of my blog. 


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