The tale of the White Swans in Bruges (Belgium)

My Happy Weekend Picture was taken several weeks ago at the Reien in
Bruges. Bruges is a lovely medieval city located in the Province of West-Flanders
in Belgium.

 The tale of the White Swans in Bruges (Belgium)
Bruges Beligum Reien 

At the picture you can see the Reien (canals) in Bruges with a lot of White

There is a very nice and royal connection with these Swans. It returns back to
the time of Emperor Maximilian I of Austria and his first wife Mary, 
Duchess of Burgundy.  

See also the page House of Habsburg on top of this blog or on next link.

Emperor Maximilian I of Austria - Source picture: Wikipedia

In 1482 his wife Mary of Burgundy visited Bruges to do her favorite hobby:
falconry. Unfortunately her horse stumbled, she fell down and died to her injuries.

Mary of Burgundy - Source picture: Wikipedia

During that time Bruges wanted the same city rights as Antwerp or Ghent.
When Emperor Maximilian I of Austria refused to grant the cities their rights,
he was captured at House Cranenburg on the Marketplace in Bruges.

House Craenenburg -Bruges - Belgium-
own picture -taken in 2016

In those years of troubles, Pieter Lanchals, an unpopular sheriff, counselor
and friend of Maximilian I was condemned to death and the archduke
was forced to watch to the execution. 

Emperor Maximilan I gave Bruges their city rights and he was released
from prison, but he took revenge...

He came back to Bruges with a large army and ordered his soldiers to
plunder the city as much as they could. To remember this painful history
Bruges should also take care of White Swans. This 'Lanchals' or Long 
necks Swans should stay forever on the canals in Bruges.

 The tale of the White Swans in Bruges (Belgium)
White Swans are sleeping in Bruges, Belgium

Nowadays this tale is very much commercialized. In every chocolate shop
in Bruges you'll find White Swans, like you can see on next picture.

 The tale of the White Swans in Bruges (Belgium)
White Swans and souvenirs in Bruges, Belgium


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