My Happy Weekend Picture - Stockalper Palace in Brig - Switzerland

Traveling mostly is discovering beautiful places.
One of them, which I really liked is Brig.

Brig is a municipality located in the canton of Valois in Switzerland. Of course,
it has a great history and even a palace.

Stockalper palace in Brig - Switzerland
Stockalper palace in Brig - Switzerland - own picture

Brig was first mentioned in 1215 as Briga. The name comes from Briva or Bridge.
The de Briga family even was mentioned in 1181. 
This family seat was the Höllenburg, a tower above Brig. This tower was demolished
in the 17th. century. 

In the early modern era families became very wealthy by trading. They built
magnificent palaces in Brig. 

The most amazing palace is the Stockalper Palace built between 1658 and 1678.
Kaspar Jodok Stockalper (a silk marchant, banker, and military) gave the order
to build this beautiful palace, with towers, an arcaded courtyard and park.

Kasper Stockalper - Source picture: Wikipedia

This Stochalper Palace was one of the largest private constructions in Switzerland
at that time.

Nowadays it is a Swiss heritage site of national significance.

Stockalper palace in Brig - Switzerland
Courtyard of the Stockalper Palace - Own picture

I visited this palace in 2010 during a trip around Switzerland. This really
fascinated me due to its size and architecture.

With this post I'd like to wish you all a very happy weekend and a good start of
next week. 

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Google+ and the reactions on Twitter!


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