OTD April 17th. 1539 Death of George, Duke of Saxony

August 27 th. 1471 marks the birth of George, Duke of Saxony. This event
took place in Meissen.
His parents had been Albert the Brave of Saxony and Sidonie Podiebrad.

George with the Beard - Source picture: Wikipedia 

George of Saxony received a very fine education with inter alia theology and
other interesting things. In fact he was better educated than many princes of
his time.

On November 21st. 1496 George of Saxony married Barbara Jagiellon, who
was a daughter of the King of Poland. German and Polish nobles attended their

George reformed the finances and the government of Saxony on a wise way
and he supported Emperor Charles V.

After the death of his wife, in 1534, George mourned very hard, as a sign for
his grief, he let grow his beard.

George of Saxony died on April 17th. 1539.


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