Happy Weekend Picture - Ahrweiler Germany

My Happy Weekend Picture was taken in 2011 in the lovely district of
Ahrweiler. It is a beautiful region located in the north of the
Rhineland-Palatinate of Germany.

I made already a post about Ahrweiler. You can check this on next link

Travel Ahrweiler Rhineland Palatinate Germany
Ahrweiler - own picture

The Rhineland-Palatinate (in German: Rheinland Pfalz) was founded on
August 30th. 1946 and confirmed during a referendum on May 18th. 1947.

One of the most important products there is wine. 
It is indeed Germany's leading producer of wine. 

With this small post I want to wish all the readers of my blog a great
Saturday and a happy Weekend.

Thank you very much for the likes, reshares and your nice comments!


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