OTD 16 June 1815 Frederick William The Black Duke

October 9th. 1771 marks the birth of Frederick William,
Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. He was a German Prince and
Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Oels. He received the nickname:
'The Black Prince' due to the uniforms of his regiment.

Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents had been Charles William Ferdinand,
Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Princess Augusta of Great-Britain.

Frederick William was thus the cousin, brother-in-law and a good
friend of George IV, Prince Regent of the United Kingdom.

In 1789 Frederick William entered the Prussian army as captain
against Revolutionary France.

On November 1st. 1802 Frederick William married
Princess Marie Elisabeth of Baden. They got 3 children.
Two of them survived childhood.

In 1806 he fought in the Battle of Jena-Auerstadt as major-general.
In 1809 the war of the Fifth Coalition broke out. Frederick took the
opportunity to create a corps of partisans. This was called the
Black Brunswickers.

Later he had to flee to England and his corps was taken in British pay.
The Duke was granted the rank as lieutenant general in the British army.
On this link you can see to a youtube movie about the Brunswick Throne Stolen.

On June 16th. 1815 Frederick William was killed by a gun shot during
the Battle of Quatre Bras. The night before he had attended the
Duchess of Richmond's ball...


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