OTD 29 June 1136 Petronilla of Aragon

It is sure that Petronilla of Aragon was born in 1136 but her date of birth was
different in a few sources. There is a doubt between June 29th and August 11th.

Petronilla of Aragon - Source picture: Wikipedia

The Kingdom of Aragon was a medieval and early modern Kingdom, 
corresponding with the modern-day autonomous province of Aragon 
in Spain. 

When Alfonso I, King of Navarre, died without an heir in 1134, 
he left the crown to the 3 religious military orders. 

This will was not respected and the aristocracy of Navarre elected a king of
their own, and restored their independence. The nobility of Aragon raised
Ramiro (brother of Alfonso I) to the throne.

King Ramiro married Agnes of Aquitaine in 1135 and their only child was
born the next year. Her marriage became a very important matter of state.

On 11th August 1137 Petronilla was betrothed to Raymond Berengar IV,
Count of Barcelona. She was only one year old and he was twenty three
years older.

On November 13th. 1137, King Ramiro abdicated and transferred the
authority to Raymond and he returned to monastic life. Raymond ruled
the Kingdom and he used the title Prince of the Aragonese.

In August 1150, when Petronilla was 14! the betrothal was ratified at
a wedding ceremony. This really was a dynastic union!
The couple would have 5 children.

In 1162 her husband died and Petronilla received the wealthy
County of Besalú and the Vall de Ribes for life.

On July 18th. 1164 her eldest son became 7 years old. Petronilla abdicated
the throne of Aragon and passed it to him.

Petronilla died in Barcelona in October 15th. 1173 at the age of 37.
She was buried at the Barcelona Cathedral but her tomb has been lost.


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