OTD 8 September 1633 Ferdinand IV King of the Romans

In Vienna, on September 8th. 1633, Ferdinand IV was born as eldest son
of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and his first wife,
Maria Anna of Spain.

Ferdinand IV - King of the Romans -
Source picture: Wikipedia

From a very young age, Ferdinand IV took a lot from his father 's roles.
First he became Archduke of Austria.

On August 5th. 1646 Ferdinand was crowned as King of Bohemia,
this title he shared with his father. The two
also shared the role of Duke of Cieszyn (now located in Poland).

On June 16th. 1647 Ferdinand IV was crowned as King of Hungary and
Croatia. This event took place in Pressburg, now located in Slovakia.
He shared this role with his father...

On May 31st. 1653 he was crowned as King of the Romans this made
him de facto heir to the Holy Roman Empire. The coronation took place
in Ratisbon (now Regensburg and located in south East Germany).

On July 9th. 1654 Ferdinand IV suddenly died of smallpox in Vienna.
He was succeeded by his brother Leopold I as King of the Romans.
Later Leopold I was elected as Holy Roman Emperor.

To know more about this Leopold I and members of the House of Habsburg
check the page House of Habsburg on top of my blog or on this link


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