OTD 18 September 1676 Eberhard Louis Duke of Württemberg

Duke Eberhard Louis, the 10th. Duke of Württemberg, was born
on September 18th. 1676.

Eberhard Ludwig - Source picture: Wikipedia

His parents were William Louis, Duke of Württemberg and
Magdalena Sibylla of Hesse-Darmstadt.

In 1677 his father died unexpectedly.
In 1693 Eberhard was proclaimed Duke of Württemberg by
Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I.

However the young Duke showed more interest in hunting and
he left his administration to his advisors.

In 1697 he married Johanna Elisabeth of Baden-Durlach. The couple
tied two Lutheran dynasties in southern Germany together. Although
Eberhard paid not much attention to his new wife. Instead he married
her to be closer to one of her ladies-in-waiting...After the birth of their son
(1698) the couple lived separated.

In 1700 Eberhard visited King Louis XIV of France in Versailles. After
that visit he raised the taxes in his Duchy. In 1704 he laid the foundation
for his Ludwigsburg Palace.

Ludwigsburg Palace - Source picture: Wikipedia

In Ludwigsburg Palace, Eberhard spent a lot of time with his mistress
Wilhelmine von Grävenitz. With the death of his heir in 1731, Eberhard
dissolved his relation with Wilhelmine and he hoped to receive an heir
with his forgotten wife Johanna..

However this plan failed and he died on October 31st. 1733 at the age
of 57. The Duchy fell into the hands of his nephew Charles Alexander.


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