OTD 27 September 1389 Cosimo de' Medici

On September 27th. 1389 Cosimo de' Medici was born in Florence.
His parents were Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici and Piccarda Bueri.

Cosimo de' Medici inherited the wealth and the expertise in banking
from his father.


In 1414 he married Contessina di Bardi. The couple lived with his
parents. This marriage brought noble connections to the de' Medici family
and she was very careful with money and managing the household.

They would have two children. Cosimo would also have an illegitimate
son called Charles.


Cosimo used his fortune to control the politics in Florence and he
sponsored artists.

He built his empire on information.


He also founded the first public library in Florence at San Marco.
Although the user-base of the library was the elite: those who were
well educated. The books had topics about the political welfare of

Time of troubles

In 1433 he exiled. Cosimo went to Venice and Padua and he took his
bank along with him.  One year later he returned to Florence.


 He died on August 1st. 1464 at the age of 74.

picture: Wikipedia


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