Today in History / On This Day - October 26th. 1714 - Princess Marie Victoire d'Arenberg

Princess Marie Victoire of Arenberg was born on October 26th. 1714 in
Brussels as the eldest daughter of Léopold Philippe, Duke of Arenberg
and Maria Ludovica Francesca Pignatelli.

The  noble house of Arenberg

Marie Victoire was a member of the House of Arenberg, an aristocratic
lineage who took their name from Arenberg, a small territory of the
Holy Roman Empire in the Eifel Region.

The current head of the house bears the title Duke of Arenberg, while
all other members are princes or princesses. They were all styled of
Serene Highness.

I made already a 'Today in History / On This Day' from  the father
of Princess Marie Victoire, Léopold Philippe, Duke of Arenberg,
which you can read on this link


During her childhood, Princess Marie Victoire was a friend of the
future Empress Maria Theresa.

She also had important family ties. She was the cousin of
Maria Henriette de La Tour d'Auvergne, mother of the last
Wittelsbach Elector of Bavaria.

She received a strict Roman Catholic education and later in her life
she spent much of her personal fortune on charitable foundations
related to the Catholic Church. She also received a good education
in music and in the arts.

Love & Marriage

On December 7th. 1735 Princess Marie Victoire married Margrave
Augustus George of Baden-Baden. This marriage would remain

When Louis George, the brother-in-law of Princess Marie Victoire,
died in 1761, her husband succeeded as Margrave and she became

In 1771 her husband died and Baden-Baden went to Charles Frederick
and Princess Marie Victoire had no longer a home.

She took up her residence in Ottersweier, where she set up a convent.


On April 13th. 1793 Princess Marie Victoire d'Arenberg died in
Strasbourg at the age of 78. She was buried in the Stiftskirche in
Baden-Baden beside her husband.


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